When a German woman named Claudia Lehmann Hohn came to Trincomalee, Sri Lanka in 2021 for tourism, she brought a badly injured puppy from the beach of the hotel where she was staying to a veterinary hospital. While arriving, I also took one of my puppies to the animal hospital to show to the doctor. At that moment, I saw the puppy that the woman was holding and called it “Lokku” .I already knew the puppy. I took care of the puppy because the agency I was working at had it .This would be the first time meeting this woman.

The German lady and I would continue to help Lokku. After this meeting, the German lady continued to help in feeding stray dogs while supporting in providing medical treatments of sick puppies as well. I supported this cause with her as well. Later, when it came time for the woman to go back to Germany, she did not want to leave the puppies as orphans, and knew that they needed a safe place to provide regular food and medical treatments. In this, she sought my help. She informed me that she would support me in taking care of the puppies by helping with the monthly expenses. I accepted their demands wholeheartedly. The lady used her own money and donations from her friends and did what they could every month to help these animals.

Even today we are continuously taking care of many dogs and cats. If that German lady had not started it and handed it over to me, this organization would not have been created. I continue to carry out these works as a grateful person for the rest of my life.


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